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Vsak od nas ima na voljo veliko več življenjske energije, kot se zavedamo, a zanjo moramo skrbeti, jo gojiti in kultivirati, drugače nam ne more koristiti.


V prevodu Qi pomeni »življenjska energija« in Gong »vadba«. Qi Gong je antična tradicionalna kitajska vadba, ki se izvaja s položajnimi vajami, z dihanjem, mislimi in vajami v gibanju. Sekvence vaj so kodoficirane in sledijo vitalnim linijam energetskega pretoka (meridianom). Z uporabo uma (Yi) in vizualizacijo lahko usmerjamo Qi po telesu, kamor je najbolj potreben.



prebudi speče vitalne energije iz globin, povrne telesu vitalnost in mislim jasnost.  Zelo koristi telesu (kostem, mišicam, vezem in živcem), umu in duhu, ki ponovno dosežeta enotnost in harmonijo. Vadbo priporočamo vsem, ne glede na starost. 

Each of us has at our own disposal a lot more life energy than we are aware of, but we must take care of it, grow it and cultivate it, should we wish to benefit from it. 


Translating Qi means "life energy" and Gong "exercise". It is an ancient traditional Chinese practice, based on postural exercises, breathing and thought in movement. Exercise sequences are performed coded, following the vital energy flow lines (meridians). By using the mind (Yi) to produce guiding images, you can direct the Qi to the body, where it is most needed.


awakens dormant vital energies from the depths, restoring vigor to the body and clarity to the mind. Bones, muscles, tendons and nerves benefit greatly, mind and spirit regain unity and harmony. We recommend the practice to all, regardless of their age.  

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